4D v13

PV Style values


4D View v13
PV Style values

PV Style values 


Constants suffixed as "mixed" can only be used with property reading commands.


Constant  Type Value Comment
pv value base style mixed  Longint 65535  
pv value color mixed  Longint 65535  
pv value font name mixed  Longint 65535  
pv value font size mixed  Longint 65535  
pv value format mixed  Longint 65535  
pv value hor alignment center  Longint 2 Applies center horizontal alignment to the cell.
pv value hor alignment default  Longint 0 Applies horizontal alignment by default to the cell.
pv value hor alignment left  Longint 1 Applies left horizontal alignment to the cell.
pv value hor alignment mixed  Longint 255 Applies mixed horizontal alignment to the cell.
pv value hor alignment right  Longint 3 Applies right horizontal alignment to the cell.
pv value ignore  Longint 2  
pv value ignore base style  Longint 65535  
pv value ignore color  Longint -1  
pv value ignore font name  Longint 65535  
pv value ignore font size  Longint 65535  
pv value ignore format  Longint 65535  
pv value ignore hor alignment  Longint 255  
pv value ignore rotation  Longint 255  
pv value ignore vert alignment  Longint 255  
pv value mixed  Longint 2  
pv value none  Longint -3 Aucune valeur définie
pv value off  Longint 0 Does not apply value to cell.
pv value on   Longint 1 Applies value to cell.
pv value rotation 0  Longint 0 No rotation applied to the cell.
pv value rotation 180  Longint 2 Applies rotation of 180°.
pv value rotation 270  Longint 3 Applies rotation of 270° to the left.
pv value rotation 90  Longint 1 Applies rotation of 90° to the left.
pv value rotation mixed  Longint 255 Applies mixed rotation to the left.
pv value vert alignment bottom  Longint 3 Applies bottom vertical alignment to the cell.
pv value vert alignment center  Longint 2 Applies center vertical alignment to the cell.
pv value vert alignment mixed  Longint 255 Applies mixed vertical alignment to the cell.
pv value vert alignment top  Longint 1 Applies top vertical alignment to the cell.

Product: 4D
Theme: Constant Theme List


PV Get cell property
PV Get range property
PV Get style property