4D v13

PV Drop info


4D View v13
PV Drop info

PV Drop info 



Constant  Type Value Comment
pv drag column  Longint 2 Returns the number of the source column.
pv drag content  Longint 6  
pv drag plugin  Longint 1 Returns the number of the 4D View area dragged.
pv drag process  Longint 0 Returns the process number of the source area.
pv drag row  Longint 3 Returns the number of the source row.
pv drag X offset  Longint 4 Returns the X coordinates of the cell (starting from the upper left corner of the cell) where the drag action has been done.
pv drag Y offset  Longint 5 Returns the Y coordinates of the cell (starting from the upper left corner of the cell) where the drag action has been done.
pv drop action  Longint 14 Allows getting the drop action done by the user. Returns a constant from the PV Drop action theme.
pv drop column  Longint 9 Returns the number of the destination column.
pv drop content  Longint 13  
pv drop plugin  Longint 8 Returns the number of the area dropped.
pv drop process  Longint 7 Returns the process number of the destination area.
pv drop row  Longint 10 Returns the number of the destination row.
pv drop X offset  Longint 11 Returns the X coordinates of the cell (starting from the upper left corner of the cell) into which the drop action has been done.
pv drop Y offset  Longint 12 Returns the Y coordinates of the cell (starting from the upper left corner of the cell) into which the drop action has been done.

Product: 4D
Theme: Constant Theme List


PV Get drop info