4D v13

PV Event


4D View v13
PV Event

PV Event 


Specific details: • 'pv on cell value changed' is not generated for dynamic areas. • 'pv on getting focus' and 'pv on losing focus' are generated when the 4D View area (and not the cell) gets or loses the focus.


Constant  Type Value Comment
pv on active cell changed  Longint 8  
pv on cell value changed  Longint 9  
pv on clicked  Longint 2  
pv on column resize  Longint 12  
pv on column sort  Longint 14  
pv on contextual click  Longint 15  
pv on double clicked  Longint 4  
pv on drag  Longint 10  
pv on drop  Longint 11  
pv on getting focus  Longint 0  
pv on keyboard  Longint 6  
pv on losing focus  Longint 1  
pv on right clicked  Longint 3  
pv on row resize  Longint 13  
pv on scrolled  Longint 5  
pv on selection changed  Longint 7  

Product: 4D
Theme: Constant Theme List


PV Get on event method