4D v13.4

Object Properties


4D v13.4
Object Properties

Object Properties  



The Object Properties commands act on the properties of objects present in forms. They enable you to change the appearance and behavior of the objects while using the forms to display records and in the Application environment.

Important: The scope of these commands is the form currently being used; changes disappear when you exit the form.

The Object Properties commands share the same generic syntax described here:

COMMAND NAME({*;} object { ; additional parameters specific to each command )

If you specify the optional * parameter, you indicate an object name (a string) in object.

Note: It is possible to use the @ character within that name if you want to address several objects of the form in one call. The following table shows examples of object names you can specify to this command.

Object NamesObjects affected by the call
mainGroupBoxOnly the object mainGroupBox.
main@The objects whose name starts with “main”.
@GroupBoxThe objects whose name ends with “GroupBox”.
@Group@The objects whose name contains “Group”.
main@BtnThe objects whose name starts with “main” and ends with “Btn”.
@All the objects present in the form.

If you omit the optional * parameter, you indicate a field or a variable in object. In this case, you specify a field or variable reference (field or variable objects only) instead of a string.


Product: 4D
Theme: Object Properties


Focus object
Managing List Box Objects