4D v13Overview of the OLE Services |
4D v13
Overview of the OLE Services
Overview of the OLE Services
The Windows version of 4D Dimension allows you to work with OLE (Object Linking Embedding) objects in your layouts. In addition, OLE objects can be automatically saved and loaded from BLOB or picture fields. Note: OLE services for 4D are only available under Windows. An OLE object can contain any type of data created and handled by Windows OLE applications such as the Windows Paint desk accessory. In addition to the regular 4D data types (such as Alphanumeric, Numeric and so on), OLE services for 4D let you store and manage any data type created in Windows, including multimedia. If you use a Windows word processor or spreadsheet that implements OLE services, you will be able to directly store documents from these applications in your 4D databases. For example, with the powerful database features of 4D, you will able to create customized archiving systems for storing, retrieving, and tracking your documents. You access OLE services in 4D through OLE areas. The size and location of these areas depend on the use you want to make of them. OLE areas can be created in two environments:
Once the OLE areas have been created, you can use OLE services in Application or Design mode. There are two possibilities for doing this:
Product: 4D |