4D v13

Converting an object


4D v13
Converting an object

Converting an object  



All OLE objects can be converted. The menu that appears when you click with the right-hand button of the mouse on the OLE area provides a Convert option. This option can be used to specify, for example, if the object will be displayed as an icon, or if such an object must be converted into an object having the format of another application.

Let's imagine a case where a friend presents you with a database that incorporates objects coming from "X" type word-processing. If you have "Y" type word-processing, when the object is opened, OLE will convert it on the fly to "Y" format and store it again in "X" format.
These operations may be penalizing, in particular if you want to make use of "Y" word-processing functions that are unknown to "X" word-processing and hence ignored during the conversion. Using the convert option, you could convert the document to "Y" format once and for all, which will simplify its use by your word-processing software and guarantee that the document will not lose any enhancements.


Product: 4D
Theme: Using an OLE Area