4D v13.4

Scroll bars


4D v13.4
Scroll bars

Scroll bars  



You can associate scroll bars with several types of objects: Field and variable objects of the Text or Picture type, hierarchical lists, list boxes and subforms. You can manage these properties using the Property List or via programming using the OBJECT SET SCROLLBAR command.

To associate scroll bars, you use the Horizontal Scroll Bar and Vertical Scroll Bar properties found in the “Appearance” theme of the Property List.  For Text type objects, hierarchical lists, list boxes and subforms, these properties are set using check boxes.

Note: If a text field or enterable object does not have a scroll bar, the user can scroll the information using the arrow keys.

Picture type objects can have scroll bars when the display format of the picture is set to “Truncated (non-centered).” For more information about picture display formats, please refer to the “Picture formats” paragraph in GET LIST ITEM PARAMETER

In this case, the Horizontal Scroll Bar and Vertical Scroll Bar properties are active in the Project List for the picture object. Unlike the other types of objects with scroll bars, for picture type objects each property is set using a menu with three options : 

  • Yes: The scrollbar is always visible, even when it is not necessary (in other words, when the size of the picture is smaller than the frame).   
  • No: The scrollbar is never visible.
  • Automatic: The scrollbar appears automatically whenever necessary (in other words, when the picture size is greater than the frame).

Beginning with 4D v13.2, scroll keys are automatically available for users when a picture type object has a scroll bar. The following keys are supported:

Arrow keysScrolling in direction of arrow (= click on scroll bar cursor)
Alt + Arrow keysPixel-by-pixel scrolling in direction of arrow
Page Up / Page DownPage-by-page vertical scrolling (related to area height)
Shift + Page Up / Page DownPage-by-page horizontal scrolling (related to area width)
HomeDisplay top edge of picture
EndDisplay bottom edge of picture
Shift + HomeDisplay left edge of picture
Shift + EndDisplay right edge of picture
Mouse wheelVertical scrolling (available in 4D v12)
Shift + Mouse wheelHorizontal scrolling (available in 4D v12)

Note that starting with 4D v13.2, picture scrolling triggers the On Picture Scroll Form event.


Product: 4D
Theme: Properties for active objects