4D v13.4Picture Pop-up Menus |
4D v13.4
Picture Pop-up Menus
Picture Pop-up Menus
A picture pop-up menu is a pop-up menu that displays a two-dimensional array of pictures. A picture pop-up menu can be used to replace a picture button. The creation of the picture to use with a picture pop-up menu is similar to the creation of a picture for a picture button. To create a picture pop-up menu, you need to refer to a picture. The following example uses the picture that was defined for picture buttons (see Picture Buttons). In this case, it allows you to select the interface language by selecting it from a picture pop-up menu. Each language is represented by the corresponding flag: As with a picture button, a picture pop-up menu uses a picture that is organized in columns and rows (or in a grid). You can place that picture in the Picture library, in a picture variable or in a picture file: Then you can add the picture pop-up menu to the form. Note: The Picture library includes features that allow you to organize a picture as a table of thumbnails. It also allows you to preview the effects of the current settings. When a picture is defined as a table of thumbnails, you can create a picture pop-up menu by dragging the picture name into the form while pressing the Shift key. Various specific properties can be used to configure picture pop-up menus:
You can assign the Goto Page action to a picture pop-up menu. When that action is selected, 4D will automatically display the page of the form that corresponds to the position of the picture selected in the picture array. Elements are numbered from left to right and top to bottom, beginning with the top left corner. For example, if the user selects the 3rd element, 4D will display the third page of the current form (if it exists). For more information about standard actions, refer to Standard actions. You can manage picture pop-up menus using methods. As with button grids, variables associated with picture pop-up menus are set to the value of the selected element in the picture pop-up menu. If no element is selected, the value is 0. Elements are numbered, row by row, from left to right starting with the top row. |
Product: 4D SEE ALSO
Drag and drop from the library |