4D v13.2



4D v13.2



IT_PPPStatus ( pppProfil ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
pppProfil  String in Dial-up name = Null string on Mac OS, optionally filled under Windows
Function result  Integer in 1 if connected; 0 if connecting; -1 if error

The IT_PPPStatus command allows you to check the status of a connection opened with the IT_PPPConnect command or opened manually.

pppProfil is a text value specifying which opened connection to check.
Under Windows, this parameter is optional but may be useful to ensure good running whatever the user network configuration.

  • If pppProfil is passed and valid, specified connection status is return.
  • If pppProfil is not passed or is passed as a null string, IT_PPPStatus will return:
    • -1 if several connections are opened,
    • the status of the opened connection if only one connection is opened

This parameter is not taken into account.

IT_PPPStatus returns an integer denoting the connection status. It returns:

  • 1 if connected,
  • 0 if connecting,
  • -1 in case of a connection failure or if not connected.


  `Method GetMessages (this method is executed in a process)
       ALERT("Connection failed")
    End if
 End if
  `Method mPPPConnect
 C_BOOLEAN($0`returns True if we are currently connected, False if connection failed
 C_TEXT($1`null string if Mac OS, Entry Name if Windows
 C_INTEGER($2`timeout in seconds
    $0:=True `we are already connected
       $vStart:=Current time
          DELAY PROCESS(Current process;30)
          $vTimeout:=((Current time-$vStart)>$vTimeoutLength)
       Until(($vStatus=1)|$vTimeout`we are connected or time out
          $0:=True `we are connected
       End if
    End if `… $Err = 0
 End if


Product: 4D
Theme: IC Utilities
Number: 88852


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: 4D Internet Commands 6.8.1

