4D v13.4

Current time


4D v13.4
Current time

Current time 


Current time {( * )} -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
Operator in Returns the current time from the server
Function result  Time in Current time

The Current time command returns the current time from the system clock.

The current time is always between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59. Use String or Time string to obtain the string form of the time expression returned by Current time.

4D Server: If you use the asterisk (*) parameter when executing this function on a 4D Client machine, it returns the current time from the server.

The following example shows you how to time the length of an operation. Here, LongOperation is a method that needs to be timed:

 $vhStartTime:=Current time ` Save the start time
 LongOperation ` Perform the operation
 ALERT("The operation took "+String(Current time-$vhStartTime)) ` Display how long it took

The following example extracts the hours, minutes, and seconds from the current time:

 $vhNow:=Current time
 ALERT("Current hour is: "+String($vhNow\3600))
 ALERT("Current minute is: "+String(($vhNow\60)%60))
 ALERT("Current second is: "+String($vhNow%60))


Product: 4D
Theme: Date and Time
Number: 178

Different in remote mode


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: < 4D v6


Time Operators