4D v13

WR Mouse to selection


4D Write v13
WR Mouse to selection

WR Mouse to selection 


WR Mouse to selection ( area ; posHoriz ; posVert ; beginSel ; endSel ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
area  Longint in 4D Write area
posHoriz  Integer in Horizontal position of mouse in area
posVert  Integer in Vertical position of mouse in area
beginSel  Longint in Returns beginning of selection
endSel  Longint in Returns end of selection
Function result  Integer in Selection matching the position of the cursor

The WR Mouse to selection command returns the selection matching the position of the cursor. The command returns 0 if the cursor points to text and returns 1 if it points to a picture.

WR Mouse to selection is used in conjunction with the Drag and Drop manager to find the location of the cursor when the mouse was released and an object was pasted.

beginSel and endSel return a particular value when you release the mouse button on a reference. Warning: In this case, endSel = beginSel +1. In other words, a reference = 1 character regardless of the number of characters contained in the reference, after computing.

The posHoriz and posVert parameters return 0000 by default. In order for them to return a value, you must use the 4D GET MOUSE command beforehand. For more information, please refer to the documentation of this command.


Product: 4D
Theme: WR Text Manipulation
Number: 89186


Alphabetical list of commands


Modified: 4D Write 6.5