4D v13

WR Document properties


4D Write v13
WR Document properties

WR Document properties 


(*) When you set the paper size programmatically, 4D Write will consider that a "virtual" printer device is used. The program will set the dead margins to zero and the printable area will be equal to the paper size. This feature is useful for documents which are not intended to be printed.


Constant  Type Value Comment
wr binding  Longint 26 Gets or sets the binding size expressed in the current document unit - corresponds to the 'Binding' area in the Preferences dialog box
wr column width  Longint 59 Gets the column width expressed in the current document unit (this value cannot be set; it can only be read)
wr columns spacing  Longint 25 Gets or sets the spacing value between each column expressed in the current document unit - corresponds to the 'Spacing' area of the Columns dialog box.
wr data size  Longint 43 Gets the size of the document in bytes (this value cannot be set; it can only be read)
wr dead left margin  Longint 39 Gets the non-printable area reserved by the printer on the left of the paper, expressed in the current document unit (this value cannot be set; it can only be read) (*)
wr dead top margin  Longint 40 Gets the non-printable area reserved by the printer at the top of the paper, expressed in the current document unit (this value cannot be set; it can only be read) (*)
wr default tab  Longint 22 Gets or sets the default "automatic" tab spacing expressed in the current document unit - corresponds to the 'Default Tab Spacing' area in the Preferences dialog box (by default 0.5 inches; 1.3 centimeters; 36 pixels)
wr different left right pages  Longint 19 Gets or sets whether headers and footers are different between left and right pages - corresponds to the 'Different on left and right pages' option in the Preferences dialog box: wr similar (0) or wr different (1)
wr different on first page  Longint 18 Gets or sets whether headers and footers are different on first page - corresponds to the 'Different on first page' option in the Preferences dialog box: wr similar (0) or wr different (1)
wr draft mode  Longint 58 Gets or sets the document text entry mode: wr wysiwyg (0) or wr draft (1)
wr first page  Longint 0 Gets or sets the first page number (1 by default). If you set, for example, the value 10, the 2nd page will be number 11, etc.
wr first page bottom margin  Longint 53 Gets or sets the margin between the bottom of the first page body and the bottom edge of the paper expressed in the current document unit, use 'wr text bottom margin' for the other pages
wr first page top margin  Longint 52 Gets or sets the margin between the top of the first page body and the top edge of the paper expressed in the current document unit, use 'wr text top margin' for the other pages
wr footer 1st page bottom mg  Longint 57 Gets or sets the margin between the bottom of the first page footer and the bottom edge of the paper expressed in the current document unit, use 'wr footer bottom margin' for the other pages
wr footer 1st page top margin  Longint 56 Gets or sets the margin between the top of the first page footer and the bottom edge of the paper expressed in the current document unit, use 'wr footer top margin' for the other pages
wr footer bottom margin  Longint 36 Gets or sets the margin between the bottom of the page footer and the bottom edge of the paper expressed in the current document unit, use 'wr footer 1st page bottom mg' for the first page if different from others
wr footer top margin  Longint 35 Gets or sets the margin between the top of the page footer and the bottom edge of the paper expressed in the current document unit, use 'wr footer 1st page top margin' for the first page if different from others
wr header 1st page bottom mg  Longint 55 Gets or sets the margin between the bottom of the first page header and the top edge of the paper expressed in the current document unit, use 'wr header bottom margin' for the other pages
wr header 1st page top margin  Longint 54 Gets or sets the margin between the top of the first page header and the top edge of the paper expressed in the current document unit, use 'wr header top margin' for the other pages
wr header bottom margin  Longint 34 Gets or sets the margin between the bottom of the page header and the top edge of the paper expressed in the current document unit, use 'wr header 1st page bottom mg' for the first page if different from others
wr header top margin  Longint 33 Gets or sets the margin between the top of the page header and the top edge of the paper expressed in the current document unit, use 'wr header 1st page top margin' for the first page if different from others
wr horizontal splitter  Longint 45 Gets or sets the display status of the horizontal splitter: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr language  Longint 23 Gets or sets the language associated with the document (American English = 1033, Australian English = 3081, English = 2057, Catalan = 1027, Danish = 1030, Dutch = 1043, Finnish = 1035, French = 1036, French Canadian = 3084, German = 1031, Italian = 1040, Norwegian Bokmal = 1044, Norwegian Nynorsk = 2068, Portuguese Brazil = 1046, Portuguese Iberian = 2070, Spanish = 1034, Swedish = 1053, Russian = 1049, Czech = 1029, Hungarian = 1038, Polish = 1045)
wr links color  Longint 47 Gets or sets the color of the hyperlinks, while they are not visited
wr number of columns  Longint 24 Gets or sets the number of columns of the document
wr opposite pages  Longint 27 Gets or sets the opposite pages mode of the document - corresponds to the 'Opposite pages' option in the Preferences dialog box: wr single sided pages (0) or wr double sided pages (1)
wr paper height  Longint 38 Gets or sets the paper height expressed in the current document unit (*)
wr paper width  Longint 37 Gets or sets the paper width expressed in the current document unit (*)
wr printable height  Longint 42 Gets the vertical printable area starting from the top left margin (this value cannot be set; it can only be read). The bottom dead margin equals the paper height; the top dead margin-the printable height.
wr printable width  Longint 41 Gets the horizontal printable area starting from the dead left margin (this value cannot be set; it can only be read). The right dead margin equals the paper width; the left dead margin-the printable width.
wr right first page  Longint 28 Gets or sets whether the first page is a left page or a right page - right page by default: wr left page (0) or wr right page (1)
wr text bottom margin  Longint 32 Gets or sets the margin between the bottom of the page body and the bottom edge of the paper expressed in the current document unit, use 'wr first page bottom margin' for the first page if different from others
wr text inside margin  Longint 29 Gets or sets the margin between the left side of the text and the left side of the paper for a right page, right sides for a left page, expressed in the current document unit (to be used in page mode)
wr text left margin  Longint 29 Gets or sets the margin between the left side of the page and the left side of the paper expressed in the current document unit (to be used in normal mode)
wr text outside margin  Longint 30 Gets or sets the margin between the right side of the text and the right side of the paper for a right page, left sides for a left page, expressed in the current document unit (to be used in page mode)
wr text right margin  Longint 30 Gets or sets the margin between the right side of the page and the right side of the paper expressed in the current document unit (to be used in normal mode)
wr text top margin  Longint 31 Gets or sets the margin between the top of the page body and the top edge of the paper expressed in the current document unit, use 'wr first page top margin' for the first page if different from others
wr undo buffer size  Longint 44 Gets the size of the undo buffer in bytes (this value cannot be set; it can only be read)
wr unit  Longint 21 Gets or sets the document current unit - corresponds to the 'Unit' pop up menu in the Preferences dialog box: wr centimeters (0), wr inches (1) or wr pixels (2)
wr vertical splitter  Longint 46 Gets or sets the display status of the vertical splitter: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view borders palette  Longint 14 Gets or sets the display status of the borders toolbar: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view column separators  Longint 17 Gets or sets the presence of a vertical separator between columns in multi-columns mode - corresponds to the Vertical separator option in the Columns dialog box: wr hidden (absence) (0) or wr displayed (presence) (1)
wr view first page footer  Longint 51 Gets or sets the display status of the first page footer: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1), use 'wr view footers' for the other pages
wr view first page header  Longint 50 Gets or sets the display status of the first page header: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1), use 'wr view headers' for the other pages
wr view footers  Longint 5 Gets or sets the display status of footers: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1), does not apply to the first page footer if it is different from others (use 'wr view first page footer')
wr view format palette  Longint 12 Gets or sets the display status of the format toolbar: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view frame area  Longint 49 Gets or sets the presence of a frame around the area in the form: wr hidden (no frame) (0) or wr displayed (frame)(1)
wr view frames  Longint 3 Gets or sets the display status of text frames: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view headers  Longint 4 Gets or sets the display status of headers: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1), does not apply to the first page header if it is different from others (use 'wr view first page header')
wr view Hscrollbar  Longint 7 Gets or sets the display status of horizontal scrollbars: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view invisible chars  Longint 15 Gets or sets the display status of the invisible characters: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view menubar  Longint 10 Gets or sets the display status of the menu bar: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view mode  Longint 1 Gets or sets the document view mode: wr page mode (0) or wr normal mode (1)
wr view pictures  Longint 6 Gets or sets the display status of pictures: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view references  Longint 16 Gets or sets the display status of the references: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view rulers  Longint 2 Gets or sets the display status of the ruler: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view standard palette  Longint 11 Gets or sets the display status of the standard tool palette: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view statusbar  Longint 9 Gets or sets the display status of the status bar: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view style palette  Longint 13 Gets or sets the display status of the style toolbar: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr view Vscrollbar  Longint 8 Gets or sets the display status of vertical scrollbars: wr hidden (0) or wr displayed (1)
wr visited links color  Longint 48 Gets or sets the color of the hyperlinks once they have been visited
wr widow orphan  Longint 20 Gets or sets whether widows and orphans are taken into account - corresponds to the 'Widow and Orphan Control' option in the Preferences dialog box: wr ignored (0) or wr managed (1)

Product: 4D
Theme: List of constant themes