The TimePicker widget provides easy-to-use objects that you can use to make the most of any fields that require times to be entered or displayed.
It can be used either as pop-up menus (single or double), or as a time entry area in the "hh:mm:ss" format associated with a numeric stepper that can be used to increase or decrease the value of the hours, minutes or seconds:
Single pop-up:
Double pop-up:
Time area: 
In addition, each type of TimePicker can display the time in 12-hour (AM-PM) or 24-hour format.
TimePicker object can be used without programming thanks to the mechanism provided by the bound variable. However, if you want to customize the functioning of TimePicker objects, you can use the set of component methods that is provided.
You can insert a TimePicker area into a form in two ways:
- By inserting a "TimePicker" or "TimeEntry" object from the preconfigured object library of 4D.
- By creating a subform area and assigning the TimePicker or TimeEntry detail form of your choice to it.
Then specify the name of the time variable bound to the subform ("Variable Name" property in the Property List). When the form is executed, this variable will automatically contain the time specified by the user. Conversely, if you modify the value of this variable by programming, it will automatically be shown in the subform.