4D v13



4D v13



SVG_New_ellipse ( parentSVGObject ; x ; y ; xRadius ; yRadius {; foregroundColor {; backgroundColor {; strokeWidth}}} ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
parentSVGObject  SVG_Ref in Reference of parent element
Longint in Coordinate on center X axis of ellipse
Longint in Coordinate on center Y axis of ellipse
xRadius  Longint in Radius on X axis
yRadius  Longint in Radius on Y axis
foregroundColor  String in Color or gradient name
backgroundColor  String in Color or gradient name
strokeWidth  Real in Line thickness
Function result  SVG_Ref in Reference of ellipse

The SVG_New_ellipse command creates a new ellipse in the SVG container designated by parentSVGObject. If parentSVGObject is not an SVG document, an error is generated.

The ellipse is positioned and sized according to the values of x, y, width and height.

The optional foregroundColor and backgroundColor parameters contain, respectively, the name of the line color and of the background color. (For more information about colors, please refer to the commands of the Colors and Gradients theme).

The optional strokeWidth parameter contains the size of the pen expressed in pixels. Its default value is 1.

Draw an ellipse (default fill and border color, default line thickness):


Draw a light blue ellipse with a blue edge and a 2-point line thickness:



Product: 4D
Theme: Drawing
Number: 65977


Alphabetical list of commands


Modified: Composant 4D SVG v11.4

