4D v13

PV Columns and rows, Introduction


4D View v13
PV Columns and rows, Introduction

PV Columns and rows, Introduction  



The commands in this theme allow managing columns and rows of a 4D View spreadsheet using programming:

  • Inserting
  • Deleting
  • Reading and assigning sizes (height and width)
  • Reading and assigning column and row headers (titles of rows and columns, as well as sort options for columns)

You can associate a name with 4D View area rows and columns, which makes using them within a document easier. By default, each row and column has a name. Automatically naming rows and columns is done as follows:

  • Rows: the name corresponds exactly to the real row number.
    For commands referring to the row number, there is agreement with the name. The number of rows of an area can be set using the PV SET DOCUMENT PROPERTY command.
  • Columns: Columns are named using letters. Depending on the area properties, the number of columns can exceed the 26 letters of the alphabet. Coding is done using several letters, starting again from the letter "A" (AA, AB, AC, etc., AZ, BA, BB, etc.).
    For commands calling the column number, agreement between the column number/column name is done, by default, as follows:
Column nameColumn number


Product: 4D
Theme: PV Columns and Rows