4D v13

PV Add picture


4D View v13
PV Add picture

PV Add picture 


PV Add picture ( area ; picture ; expression ; tableNum ; fieldNum ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
area  Longint in 4D View area
picture  Picture in 4D picture
expression  String in Any expression that returns a 4D picture
tableNum  Integer in Table number
fieldNum  Integer in Field number
Function result  Longint in Picture number

The PV Add picture command pastes a 4D picture at the position of the current cell of area and returns its unique ID number. This identifier can then be used with other commands in the "PV Pictures" theme.

The picture must be a valid 4D picture. It can proceed from one of the following sources:

  • A picture variable. In this case, pass the variable name in the picture parameter. Other parameters can be omitted.
  • A 4D expression. In this case, pass the expression name in the expression parameter (the picture parameter is not used and the last parameters can be omitted). The expression parameter can contain for example the name of a 4D method that returns a picture variable or a Picture field reference ("[Table]PictureField").
  • A picture field number. In this case, pass the table and field number in the tableNum and fieldNum parameters (picture and expression parameters are not used).

4D View keeps the dynamic reference between the picture pasted into the area and the source picture. Any modification carried out on the source picture in 4D will be reflected in the picture pasted into the area.


Paste in the current cell of a 4D View area the photo of the client whose record is current:

 C_LONGINT($PicRef`Added picture reference
 C_PICTURE($Picture`Empty picture (ignored)
 $PicRef:=PV Add picture(Area;$Picture;"";Table(->[Clients]);Field(->[Clients]Photo))


Product: 4D
Theme: PV Pictures
Number: 15867


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: 4D View 6.8


PV Get picture