4D v13.4



4D v13.4



SEND PACKET ( {docRef ;} packet ) 
Parameter Type   Description
docRef  DocRef in Document reference number, or Current channel (serial port or document)
packet  String, BLOB in String or BLOB to be sent

SEND PACKET sends a packet to a serial port or to a document. If docRef is specified, the packet is written to the document referenced by docRef. If docRef is not specified, the packet is written to the serial port or document previously opened by the SET CHANNEL command.

A packet is just a piece of data, generally a string of characters.
You can also pass a BLOB in packet. This allows you to bypass the constraints related to encoding for characters sent in text mode (see example 2).

Note: When you pass a BLOB in packet, the command does not take into account any character set defined by the USE CHARACTER SET command. The BLOB is sent without any modification.

Before you use SEND PACKET, you must open a serial port or a document with SET CHANNEL, or open a document with one of the document commands.

When writing to a document, the first SEND PACKET begins writing at the beginning of the document unless the document was opened with USE CHARACTER SET. Until the document is closed, each subsequent packet is appended to any previously sent packets.

Note: This command is useful for a document opened with SET CHANNEL. On the other hand, for a document opened with Open document, Create document or Append document, you can use the commands Get document position and SET DOCUMENT POSITION to get and change the location in the document where the next writing (SEND PACKET) or reading (RECEIVE PACKET) will occur.

Important: In non-Unicode mode (compatibility mode), SEND PACKET writes Mac OS ASCII data on both Windows and Macintosh platforms. Mac OS ASCII data uses eight bits. Standard ASCII uses only the lower seven bits. Many devices do not use the eighth bit in the same way as does Windows/Macintosh. If the string to be sent contains data that uses the eighth bit, be sure to create an ASCII map to translate the ASCII characters, and execute USE CHARACTER SET before using SEND PACKET. You can also use the Mac to Win function (for more information, refer to the example for this function). Protocols like XON/XOFF use some low ASCII codes to establish communication between machines. Be careful to not send such ASCII codes, as this may interfere with the protocol or even break communication.

The following example writes data from fields to a document. It writes the fields as fixed-length fields. Fixed-length fields are always of a specific length. If a field is shorter than the specified length, the field is padded with spaces. (That is, spaces are added to make up the specified length.) Although the use of fixed-length fields is an inefficient method of storing data, some computer systems and applications still use them:

 $vhDocRef :=Create document("") ` Create a document
 If(OK=1) ` Was the document created?
    For($vlRecord;1;Records in selection([People])) ` Loop once for each record
  ` Send a packet. Create the packet from a string of 15 spaces containing the first name field
       SEND PACKET($vhDocRef;Change string(15*Char(SPACE);[People]First;1))
  ` Send a second packet. Create the packet from a string of 15 spaces containing the last name field
  ` This could be in the first SEND PACKET, but is separated for clarity
       SEND PACKET($vhDocRef;Change string(15*Char(SPACE);[People]Last;1))
       NEXT RECORD([People])
    End for
  ` Send a Char(26), which is used as an end-of-file marker for some computers
    SEND PACKET($vhDocRef;Char(SUB ASCII code))
    CLOSE DOCUMENT($vhDocRef` Close the document
 End if

This example illustrates the sending and retrieval of extended characters via a BLOB in a document:

 TEXT TO BLOB("âzértÿ";$send_blob;UTF8 Text without length)
 SET BLOB SIZE($send_blob;16;255)
 $vlDocRef:=Create document("blob.test")
    SEND PACKET($vlDocRef;$send_blob)
 End if
 $vlDocRef:=Open document(document)
    RECEIVE PACKET($vlDocRef;$receive_blob;65536)
 End if


Product: 4D
Theme: Communications
Number: 103

The Unicode mode affects this command


Alphabetical list of commands


Modified: 4D v11 SQL


Get document position