4D v13.4

Numeric Operators


4D v13.4
Numeric Operators

Numeric Operators  



An expression that uses a numeric operator returns a number. The following table shows the numeric operators:

AdditionNumber + NumberNumber2 + 35
SubtractionNumber – NumberNumber3 – 21
MultiplicationNumber * NumberNumber5 * 210
DivisionNumber /NumberNumber5 / 22.5
Longint divisionNumber \ NumberNumber5 \ 22
ModuloNumber % NumberNumber5 % 21
ExponentiationNumber ^ NumberNumber2 ^ 38

The modulo operator % divides the first number by the second number and returns a whole number remainder. Here are some examples:

  • 10 % 2 returns 0 because 10 is evenly divided by 2.
  • 10 % 3 returns 1 because the remainder is 1.
  • 10.5 % 2 returns 0 because the remainder is not a whole number.


  • The modulo operator % returns significant values with numbers that are in the Long Integer range (from minus 2^31 to 2^31 minus one). To calculate the modulo with numbers outside of this range, use the Mod command.
  • The longint division operator \ returns significant values with integer numbers only.


Product: 4D
Theme: Operators


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