4D v13.4



4D v13.4



Min ( series ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
series  Field, Array in Data for which to return the minimum value
Function result  Real in Minimum value in series

Min returns the minimum value in series. If series is an indexed field, the index is used to find the minimum value.

If the series selection is empty, Min returns 0.

You can pass an array (one or two dimensions) in series. In this case, the array must be of the Integer, Longint or Real type.

If the command is correctly executed, the OK system variable is set to 1. If it is interrupted (for example if the user clicks on the Stop button of the progress thermometer), the OK variable is set to 0.

The following example is an object method for the variable vMin placed in the break 0 portion of the form. The variable is printed at the end of the report. The object method assigns the minimum value of the field to the variable, which is then printed in the last break of the report:


The following method is called to print the records in the selection and to activate break processing:

 ALL RECORDS([Employees])
 ORDER BY([Employees];[Employees]LastNm;>)
 FORM SET OUTPUT([Employees];"PrintForm")

Note: The parameter to the BREAK LEVEL command should be equal to the number of breaks in your report. For more information about break processing, refer to the chapter Printing.

The following example finds the lowest sale amount of an employee and displays the result in an alert box:

 ALERT("Minimum sale = "+String(Min([Employees]Sales)))

This example gets the lowest value in the array:

 ARRAY REAL($ArrGrades;0)
 SELECTION TO ARRAY([Exams]Exam_Grade;$ArrGrades)


Product: 4D
Theme: On a Series
Number: 4

The OK variable is changed by the command


Alphabetical list of commands


Modified: 4D v11 SQL Release 3
Modified: 4D v13

