4D v13.4

Is record loaded


4D v13.4
Is record loaded

Is record loaded 


Is record loaded {( aTable )} -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
aTable  Table in Table of the record to examine or Default table if this parameter is omitted
Function result  Boolean in True if the record is loaded Otherwise False

The Is record loaded command returns True if aTable’s current record is loaded in the current process.


Instead of using the “Next record” or “Previous record” automatic actions, you can write object methods for these buttons to improve their operation. The “Next” button will display the beginning of the selection if the user is at the end of the selection and the “Previous” button will show the end of the selection when the user is at the beginning of the selection.

  ` Object method of the “Previous” button (without an automatic action)
 If(Form event=On Clicked)
    If(Not(Is record loaded([Group])))
       GOTO SELECTED RECORD([Group];Records in selection([Group]))
  `Go to the last record in the selection
    End if
 End if
  ` Object method of the “Next” button (without an automatic action)
 If(Form event=On Clicked)
    NEXT RECORD([Group])
    If(Not(Is record loaded([Group])))
       GOTO SELECTED RECORD([Groups];1)
  `Go to the first record in the selection
    End if
 End if


Product: 4D
Theme: Records
Number: 669


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: 4D v6.5