4D v13.4



4D v13.4



HTTP Get ( url ; response {; headerNames ; headerValues}{; *} ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
url  Text in URL to which to send the request
response  Text, BLOB, Picture in Result of request
headerNames  Text array in Header names of the request
in Returned header names
headerValues  Text array in Header values of the request
in Returned header values
Operator in If passed, connection is maintained (keep-alive)
If omitted, connection is closed automatically
Function result  Longint in HTTP status code

The HTTP Get command sends an HTTP GET request directly to a specific URL and processes the HTTP server response.

Pass the URL where you want the request sent in the url parameter. The syntax to use is:


For example, you can pass the following strings:

    https://www.myserver.com/login (*)

(*) During HTTPS requests, authority of the certificate is not checked.

After command execution, the response parameter receives the result of the request returned by the server. This result corresponds to the body of the response, with no headers.
You can pass different types of variables in response:

  • Text: When the result is expected to be text encoded in UTF16
  • BLOB: When the result is expected to be in binary form. 
  • Picture: When the result is expected to be a picture.

If you pass a BLOB, it contains the text, picture or any type of contents (.wav, .zip, etc.) returned by the server. You must then manage the recovery of these contents (headers are not included in the BLOB). If the type of data returned by the server does not match the variable type, it is returned empty. 

In headerNames and headerValues, you pass arrays containing the names and values of the request headers.
After this method is executed, these arrays contain the names and values of headers returned by the HTTP server. More specifically, this lets you manage cookies. 

The * parameter enables the keep-alive mechanism for the server connection. By default, if this parameter is omitted, keep-alive is not enabled. 

The command returns a standard HTTP status code (200=OK and so on) as returned by the server. The list of HTTP status codes is provided in RFC 2616.
If you are unable to connect to the server for a reason related to the network (DNS Failed, Server not reachable...), the command returns 0 and an error is generated. You can intercept it using a method installed by the ON ERR CALL command.

Retrieval of the 4D logo on the 4D Web site:

 ARRAY TEXT(HeaderNames_at;0)
 ARRAY TEXT(HeaderValues_at;0)
 $httpResponse:=HTTP Get(URLPic_t;Pic_i;HeaderNames_at;HeaderValues_at)

Retrieval of an RFC:

 ARRAY TEXT(HeaderNames_at;0)
 ARRAY TEXT(HeaderValues_at;0)
 $httpResponse:=HTTP Get(URLText_t;Text_t;HeaderNames_at;HeaderValues_at)

Retrieval of a video:

 $httpResponse:=HTTP Get("http://www.example.com/video.flv";vBlob)
 BLOB TO DOCUMENT("video.flv";vBlob)


Product: 4D
Theme: HTTP Client
Number: 1157

This command modifies the Error system variable


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: 4D v13


HTTP Request