4D v13.4

Get plugin access


4D v13.4
Get plugin access

Get plugin access 


Get plugin access ( plugIn ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
plugIn  Longint in Plug-in number
Function result  String in Group name associated with plug-in

The Get plugin access command returns the name of the user group authorized to use the plug-in whose number was passed in the plugIn parameter. If there is no group associated with the plug-in, the command returns an empty string ("").

Pass the number of the plug-in for which you want to find out the associated group of users in the plugIn parameter. Plug-in licenses include 4D Client Web and SOAP licenses. You can pass one of the following constants found in the Is License Available theme:

Constant Type Value
4D Client SOAP License Longint 808465465
4D Client Web License Longint 808465209
4D Draw License Longint 808464694
4D for ADO License Longint 808465714
4D for MySQL License Longint 808465712
4D for OCI License Longint 808465208
4D for PostgreSQL License Longint 808465713
4D for Sybase License Longint 808465715
4D ODBC Pro License Longint 808464946
4D View License Longint 808465207
4D Write License Longint 808464697


Product: 4D
Theme: Users and Groups
Number: 846


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: 4D 2004