4D v13.4

Data file


4D v13.4
Data file

Data file 


Data file {( segment )} -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
segment  Longint in Obsolete, do not use
Function result  String in Long name of the data file for the database

The Data file command returns the long name of the data file for the database with which you are currently working.

Starting with version 11 of 4D, data segments are no longer supported. The segment parameter is now ignored and must no longer be used.

On Windows
If, for example, you are working with the database MyCDs located at \DOCS\MyCDs on the volume G, a call to Data file returns G:\DOCS\MyCDs\MyCDs.4DD (provided that you accepted the default location and name proposed by 4D when you created the database).

On Macintosh
If, for example, you are working with the database located in the folder Documents:MyCDsƒ: on the disk Macintosh HD, a call to Data file returns Macintosh HD:Documents:MyCDsƒ:MyCDs.data (provided that you accepted the default location and name proposed by 4D when you created the database).

WARNING: If you call this command from 4D in remote mode, only the name of the data file is returned, not the long name.


Product: 4D
Theme: 4D Environment
Number: 490

Different in remote mode


Alphabetical list of commands


Modified: 4D v11 SQL


Application file
Structure file