4D v13.4

Count user processes


4D v13.4
Count user processes

Count user processes 


Count user processes -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
Function result  Longint in Number of live processes (excluding internal processes)

Count user processes returns the current number of "live" processes in the 4D application whose type is different from -25 (Internal Timer Process), -31 (Client Manager Process) and -15 (Server Interface Process). For more information about process types, please refer to the PROCESS PROPERTIES command and to the Process Type constants theme.

The Count user processes function returns the number of processes opened directly or indirectly by the user (processes for which the origin parameter returned by the PROCESS PROPERTIES command is greater than or equal to 0).

Note: The "live" processes are processes whose status is neither aborted, nor does not exist (see the Process state command).


Product: 4D
Theme: Processes
Number: 343


Alphabetical list of commands


Modified: 4D v11 SQL Release 3


Count tasks
Count users