4D v13.4

Contextual click


4D v13.4
Contextual click

Contextual click 


Contextual click -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
Function result  Boolean in True if a contextual click was detected, otherwise False

The Contextual click command returns True if a contextual click has been made:

  • Under Windows and Mac OS, contextual clicks are made using the right button of the mouse.
  • Under Mac OS, contextual clicks can also be made using a Control+click combination.

This command should be used only in the context of the On clicked form event. It is therefore necessary to verify in Design mode that the event has been properly selected in the Form properties and/or in the specific object.


This method, combined with a scrollable area, enables you to change the value of an array element using a context menu:

 If(Contextual click)
    If(Pop up menu("True;False")=1)
    End if
 End if


Product: 4D
Theme: Form Events
Number: 713

Mac OS specific


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: 4D v6.8.1


Form event
Right click