4D Pack v13.2

AP Modify method


4D Pack v13.2
AP Modify method

AP Modify method 


AP Modify method ( methodName ; methodCode ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
methodName  String in Name of method to modify
methodCode  BLOB in BLOB containing the method text
Function result  Longint in Error code (0=no error)

The AP Modify method command lets you modify the source code of a project method in the structure of a 4D database (interpreted databases only).

Pass the name of an existing project method in the methodName parameter (the names of 4D methods may contain up to 31 characters).

In methodCode, pass a BLOB containing the new text of the method. If you use the TEXT TO BLOB command to fill the BLOB, specify the Mac C string format (or 0) as the 3rd parameter of this command.

If the method is modified correctly, the command returns 0. Otherwise, it returns one of the following error codes:
1 = A bad parameter type has been passed.
2 = The database is running in compiled mode.
3 = The method name is an empty string.
4013 = Invalid method name.
4015 = The method source code could not be modified.

Note: This command does not work if it is executed from a compiled application.


Product: 4D Pack
Theme: 4D_Pack : Utilities
Number: 61948


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: 4D Pack v11.3


AP Create method
AP Does method exist